
ahh i have 709 photos on my desktop all intended to be part of a post on here...
seeing as i have 4 followers whats even the point




butterfly specimens

but-ter-fly [buht-er-flahy]
  1. any of numerousdiurnal insects of the order Lepidoptera, characterized by clubbed antennae, a slender body, and large, broad, often conspicuiously marked wings.
  2. a person who flits aimlessly from one interest or group to another: a social butterfly
  3. informal: a queasy feeling, as from nervousness, excitement etc.
  4. racing breaststroke: using a dolphin kick in which the swimmer brings both arms out of the water and then inward in a circular motion.

i love how butterfly can be defined as so many things. the animal itself is so diverse and so pretty, i had to collect various images to share.